Riding The BUS, powered by Best in the US Showcases, is here to be the #1 source for player development for young players.

Whether you are a player, parent, or coach at the youth, high school, or college level, Riding The BUS brings you information that will help players improve, take their game to the next level, and put themselves in the best position possible to achieve their goal of playing college baseball.

How are we going to do this? This podcast and video series will utilize some of the best and brightest minds in the game of baseball - coaches and players alike - to bring you great content that is sure to both encourage and equip players to keep their DEVELOPMENT BUS rolling at top speed as they head down their road towards becoming the best player he can possibly be.

Hosted by long time College Coach Trey Fowler whose resume includes aiding in the development of 63 All Conference Performers, & 31 MLB Draft picks, including 2 first rounders, Riding The BUS is sure to maximize both the player listeners' development & the coach listeners' ability to develop. Be sure to hop on the BUS with us each week!


If Riding The BUS is helping you then we’d REALLY appreciate if you put in a 5-star rating. We don’t want you to put 5-stars if you don’t genuinely feel that way, but if you do, then the more ratings we get the better this podcast does with Apple. We exist to help as many players as possible achieve their dreams and goals of playing college baseball, and 5-star ratings help us reach more people.

Want to have a question Answered by one of the college coaches or staff on the podcast?

Fill out this form with your question! Don’t be shy, we cover a wide variety of topics so ask away and we’ll choose the best ones to answer on the podcast!